Open a new group so the following registers can be used locally... |@=0|, |1|, ..., |8| the final parameter set is stored briefly in |@ | before being used.
Label data e.g. |^<#202#>#1<#202#>| |_<#203#>#1<#203#>| is stored temporarily in |@| then passed via |@@cell@@| to |@cell@@| for further parsing, as: |@ @|
|~'| and |~`| change the values of |@ | and |@ | Normally |@ | is |<#204#><#204#>|, so |~`| also changes a flag to indicate that |@ | is indeed required.
When the next token is a grouping |<#205#>...<#205#>| then it gives the label for the central Arrow. No other label specifications may follow.
Default head and tail ornaments...
( @#1<#923#><#923#> @#1<#924#><#924#> @@ <#925#><#208#>;SPMgt;<#208#><#925#> @@ <#209#><#209#> )
clear |..| registers for the new connection labels.
With no arrows, still allow labels: default positions are at 0, + X, - X, with X =<#244#>default value<#244#>. These values are altered by ``nudging''.
( @@<#946#>5=<#245#>0<#245#>6=<#246#><#246#>7=<#247#>0<#247#>8=<#248#>0<#248#><#946#> )